Australian Shepherd - it's very energetic and agile dog, she is active and mobile. This breed loves long walks, Australia's calm you can take a hike or a bike ride. Currently, Australian Shepherds are very popular. The Australian - was endowed with numerous talents. It can protect the family and the home, to feed the cattle, work with the police - an Australian Shepherd can be a great police dog drug and rescue dogs. This dog is easy to train, intellectual abilities Australian Shepherd will always surprise you. Australian never will bark just so it's quiet and pleasant dog. It is perfect for the home, you will be a true friend and reliable companion for children. It can rely on, it is completely predictable, never show aggression is balanced. Dog with young children in need of socialization, it needs constant communication with the host, Australian can not stand boredom, it can not be left alone for long periods of time. Educate the dog should be without being rude, cruel and unfair treatment will make her shy, timid. Australian Shepherd hardworking, no problem obeys the owner, shall, without the permanent occupation - she needed something to do to keep fit. For wool Australian Shepherd must take good care: regular combing and brushing. As needed to wash the dog. Dog sheds twice a year. There is also a reduced form of the Australian - a miniature Australian shepherd.
Australian Shepherd Breeders bark collar
General view. Australian Shepherd - it's a well-balanced dog of medium size and bone. She is attentive and animated, showing strength and stamina combined with unusual agility. A bit longer in length than in height, with hair of medium length and rigidity with individual color of each individual. The hallmark of the breed - a natural or docked tail curtailed. In both sexes, pronounced masculinity or femininity. Males courageous, but not large. Bitches feminine, but it does not need to have light skeleton.
Temperament. Australian Shepherd smart, active and, above all, a working dog with strong guarding instincts and shepherds. She is a great companion and has a sweet temper. She is obedient and easily trainable dog that performs tasks with grace and enthusiasm. She is cautious with strangers, but not timid. And while it's aggressive, authoritative worker, viciousness toward people or animals is not allowed. Defects - any display of shyness, fear or aggression.
Head. Crisp, strong, lean, proportionate body. On the back of the skull may be a small ledge. The top of the skull is flat and slightly rounded, its length and width equal to the length of the muzzle, which is balanced and proportional to the head. The muzzle can be a bit shorter than the back of the skull and tapers slightly from the base of the nose. End rounded snout. Stop moderate, but well-defined. When viewed from the side the topline of skull and muzzle form parallel planes.
Teeth. A complete set of strong, white teeth. Scissor bite, pincer bite is allowed. For broken or missing teeth due to injury assessment is not reduced.
Eyes. Very expressive, showing attention and intelligence, alertness and energy. Clear, almond-shaped, of moderate size, planted a little obliquely, neither prominent nor sunken, with dark pupils, well-defined and perfectly positioned. The color may be brown, blue, amber, or any combination of colors, including flecks. Dogs colors blue merle and black - black pigmentation century. In dogs with color ed and red merle - brown pigmentation of the century.
Ears. Set high on the edges of the head, triangular in shape with slightly rounded tips, moderate size. Ear length should be sufficient to be able to hang on the tip of the ear to the inner corner of the eye. The ears are semi-erect when the dog is alert, the ears are refracted forward or to the side at a distance of 1/4 to 1/2 of the length from the base of the ear. Pricked ears and hanging ears are completely serious flaw.
Nose. Dog bark collar reviews Dogs colors blue merle and black - black pigmentation of the nose (and lips). COLOUR ed and red merle, the brown pigmentation of the nose (and lips). Dogs with merle coat color permissible to have small pink spots, but they should not exceed 25% of the nose in dogs one year of age.
The neck and body. The neck is strong, smooth, proportional to the body. Medium-length and slightly arched at the back of the neck, well set on his shoulders. Housing sturdy and muscular. The back is straight, flat and firm from withers to hip joints. The topline is flat in the natural stand. Chest not broad, but deep and strong with regular oval long ribs, not bochkovatymi and not flat. The lowest point of chest reaches to the elbow. The loin is strong and broad when viewed from above. Line the bottom forms a moderate bend from the chest to groin. The croup is slightly sloping, the ideal 30 degree bevel. The tail is straight, length is less than 4 inches (10 cm), naturally curtailed or docked.
Forelimbs. The blades are long and flat, close to converge at the shoulder, about the width of two fingers in a natural rack with good back bend (about 45 degrees to the ground.) The humerus length of approximately blade comes into contact with the blade at a right angle, with the front legs are straight and perpendicular to the ground. The elbow joint is halfway between the ground and the withers. Legs straight and strong. The bones strong, oval rather than round. Pasterns of medium length or short, thin and strong, but flexible, with a side quite a bit tilted. Paws oval, tightly compressed, with close-knit, well-arched toes. Pads are thick and resilient; nails short and solid. The dewclaws may be removed.
Hind limbs. Width of hindquarters approximately equal to the width of the forequarters at the shoulders. Angulation of the pelvis and hip joint angle corresponds to the scapula and the humerus, forming a right angle. Stifle pronounced, hocks moderately bent. Hock short perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear. Paws oval, tightly compressed, with close-knit, well-arched toes. Pads are thick and resilient; nails short and solid. Dewclaws should be removed.
Wool. Medium texture, straight and slightly wavy, weather resistant, double coat of medium length. Number undercoat varies depending on the climate. On the head, ears and front of forelegs and below hocks hair is short and smooth. On the backs of the front legs are moderate, and on the buttocks abundant feathers. Moderate mane and frill, more pronounced in males than in females. Not a typical coat is a serious fault.
Color. All colors are bright, clean and vibrant. Colors are blue merle, red merle, solid black and solid red (red), all with or without white markings and / or zhelovato brown (copper) spots the location in any order. All the colors around the ears and eyes dominates any color other than white. Line of white collar does not go by the mane. White coat color is admissible on the neck, chest, legs, face, markings may be on his head and a white band at the bottom of the body up to 4 inches (10 cm) from the horizontal line at the elbow. White hair on my head does not have to dominate, and the eyes must be completely surrounded by another color and pigment. Merla tend to become darker with age.
Movement. Smooth, free and easy, showing the speed of movement and a well-balanced stride. Front and rear legs move straight and parallel to the center line of the body, with increasing speed legs (front and rear) converge toward the center line of gravity dogs, with the topline remains flat.
Size. Preferred height at the withers for males is 20 to 23 inches (51 to 58.5 cm) for females from 18 one 21 inches (45.5 to 53.5 cm). However, the size should not take precedence over quality.
Disqualification. Snack. Undershot more than 1/8 inch (3 mm). Totally NOT, nose. White spots on the body (between the withers and tail, on sides between elbows and back of the hind konchnostey) in all colors. Colors that do not meet the standard.